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By understanding, anticipating and responding to client needs we aim to build secure, sustainable and mutually valuable relationships and create lasting client satisfaction.

Strategic priorities

Quality of service

Our industry experience allows us to better understand our customers' own strategic objectives and enables us to design, fabricate and construct structural steelwork solutions to support these objectives.

Innovative engineered solutions

The world of work and industry are constantly evolving, in response our teams strive to be habitually innovative. Our engineers are known for their remarkable ingenuity, consistently pushing boundaries to create better buildings.

Achievements in 2023

Delivered over 100 projects during the year in the UK, Ireland and continental Europe in diverse market sectors, including industrial and distribution (including battery plants), stadia and leisure (including film studios), commercial offices, transport infrastructure and nuclear.

Further strengthened our relationships with key clients to ensure that when inflationary pressures stretched existing budgets, our operational delivery capabilities allowed us to help them deliver changes to these programmes more quickly and efficiently.

Our preferred and predominant two-stage and negotiated procurement routes has helped significantly by allowing early collaboration with the client and supply chain and providing increased price and programme certainty.

We have recently been selected as one of two 'key delivery partners' to deliver structural steelwork at Sellafield as part of the long-term Programme and Project Partners framework. This long term engagement and visibility benefits both Severfield and our clients.

During the year we collaborated with certain clients on ESG matters, including sustainable procurement, low embodied carbon steel, material passporting, offsetting and social value considerations. Early engagement with clients remains vital in reducing the embodied carbon in the structures we build, an important part of our journey towards Net Zero.

Objectives for 2024

Continue to deliver a quality, safe and efficient service to our clients.

Focus on opportunities to improve client satisfaction and retention and develop strategically important relationships with existing and new clients in our target markets in support of our growth plans.

Develop and deepen relationships with VSCH's varied European client base and leverage VSCH's capabilities to offer a wider range of services to Severfield's existing clients.

Continue our focus on engineering efficiency through Project Horizon, including looking at new and innovative ways of working, our approach to drawing and design, and the optimisation of engineering software.

Strive to secure work, where possible, through partnerships, framework arrangements or repeat business. This ensures quality assured delivery partners for customers, collaborative innovation and ability to drive social value creation, carbon reduction and continuous improvements in projects.

Build relationships with a wider client base as we continue to extend our new modular product ranges including our 'Severstor' and 'Rotoflo' product offerings in SPP and through the increased cold rolled steel products offered by CMF.