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Our sustainability framework also supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ('UN SDGs'). The table below illustrates our key achievements in the year against our four sustainability pillars and our progress against the metrics and targets we use to measure our performance in each area, as well as identifying the seven UN SDGs where the Group can have the biggest impact:


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Activities/KPIs2023 performanceActivities/KPIs2023 performance
GHG intensity33% reduction in our scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from 2018 (our base year) using a market-based approach. Exceeding our short-term target to reduce emissions by 25% by 2025.Gender Pay Equality1.02 male/female normalised hourly rate ratio.
CDP global evaluation ratingAchieved CDP B rating, which is above the industry average (C).

Achieved CDP supplier engagement leader with the rating of A-.
Diversity & Inclusion9% of our workforce are female (same as FY22).

Of our three grade levels below board female representation is 20%, 27% and 20% respectively.

Female representation across our manufacturing departments is 2%, 8% within project delivery departments and 39% in core services.
Other industry accreditations achievedMaintained our BES 6001 rating of "very good".

Listed on the Financial Times – Europe's Climate Leaders index for the third year in a row.
Accident frequency rate13% improvement in 2023 to 0.14 (2022: 0.16).
Green electricity usage94% of our total purchased and consumed energy was from green electricity tariffs.Incident frequency rateAn increase of 8% in 2023 to 1.61 (2022: 1.49).
Waste reduction targetNew in 2023: Established an absolute reduction of waste tonnage (excluding steel) of 20% by 2030 against 2021/22 baseline.Director safety visits undertakenWe have achieved 85 visits in 2023, unchanged from 2022.
Biodiversity targetIn 2024 we will refine our approach to biodiversity and set Group and divisional targets.% of colleagues paid above living wage100% of colleagues paid at or above the Real Living Wage.
Social value targetIn 2024 we will establish a social value reporting system and set Group and divisional targets for social value delivery.
ProsperityPrinciples Of Governance

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Activities/KPIs2023 performanceActivities/KPIs2023 performance
Economic value generated and distributed£491.8m (2022: £403.6m).Board diversity20% (2022: 22%) of the Group's board are women.
Economic value distributed£467.5m (2022: £382.7m).Board tenure7.4 years (2022: 7.1 years) average tenure of our board of directors.
Net investment ((capex – depreciation) / dividends)Stable net investment at 10% (2022: 24%). Lower than 2022 due to several significant items being leased in the year.Executive committee diversity18% (2022: 18%) of the Group's executive committee are women.
Supply chain due diligence100% (2022: 100%) of suppliers subject to annual supply chain contractor due diligence reviews.Coverage of certified environmental management systemsGroup-wide 100% accreditation to ISO 14001:2015 (environmental management) (2022: 100%) and ISO 45001:2018 (occupational health and safety) (2022:100 per cent).
New appointments414 new employees in the year (including 27 apprentices and graduates).Ethics training rate91% of colleagues receiving regular ethics training (2022: 91%).
Corporation taxes paid£3.5m (2022: £3.8m), marginally lower than 2022 due to a refund for overpaid amounts in a previous period.
Prompt payment reporting88% (2022: 93%) of invoices paid within agreed payment terms in latest PPC reporting period for our signatory companies.