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Board leadership and company purpose

The Group is controlled through the board of directors of Severfield plc. We believe that, consistent with Principle A of the Code, the board is effective and entrepreneurial. We have described in the strategic report how opportunities and risks to the future success of the business have been considered and addressed, together with the sustainability of the Group's business model. In this section we describe how our governance contributes to the delivery of our strategy and how the board monitors and drives culture and purpose.

Structure of the board

The membership of the board is stated on Our board of directors. The board consists of the chairman, four other non-executive directors and four executive directors.

Alan Dunsmore has board-level responsibility for sustainability matters and employment matters; Ian Cochrane has board-level responsibility for health and safety matters.


All the non-executive directors are considered by the board to be independent in character and judgement and no cross-directorships exist between any of the directors.

At no time during the year ended 26 March 2022 did any director hold a material interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract of significance with the Company or any subsidiary undertaking other than the executive directors in relation to their service agreements. The directors have put in place procedures to ensure the board collectively, and the directors individually, comply with the disclosure requirements on conflicts of interest set out in the Companies Act 2006. The interests of the directors in the share capital of the Company and its subsidiary undertakings and their interests under the performance share plan and other share schemes are set out in the remuneration report on Remuneration policy. Save as disclosed in the directors' remuneration report, none of the directors, or any person connected with them, has any interest in the share or loan capital of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.

Directors to stand for election

The Company's articles of association require the directors to offer themselves for re-election at least once every three years. Notwithstanding this, and in accordance with the recommendations of the Code, the Group's policy is that all the directors retire at each AGM and may offer themselves for re-election by shareholders. Accordingly, all of the existing directors whose biographies are set out on Our board of directors will be standing for re-election at the 2022 AGM.

The board is satisfied that the performance of all of the non-executive directors continues to be effective and that they continue to show commitment to their respective roles. Non-executive directors are not appointed for a fixed term. The terms and conditions of appointment of non-executive directors are available for inspection on request.

Role of the chairman, chief executive officer and senior independent director

The board has agreed a clear division of responsibility between the chairman and chief executive officer and their roles and responsibilities are clearly established and set out in writing.

Severfield board

The board is responsible for providing effective leadership to the Group to create and deliver long-term shareholder value. This includes setting the strategic direction of the Group, reviewing all significant aspects of the Group's activities, overseeing the executive management and reviewing the overall system of internal control and risk management. The board has a formal schedule of matters reserved for it. It is responsible for overall Group strategy, acquisition and divestment policy, approval of major capital expenditure projects and consideration of significant financing matters. It monitors the exposure to key business risks, including environmental and health and safety issues. It reviews the Group's strategic direction, codes of conduct, annual budgets, progress towards achievement of those budgets, significant capital expenditure programmes and the annual and half year results.

The board also considers employee issues and key appointments. It also ensures that all directors receive appropriate training on appointment and then subsequently as appropriate. Other specific responsibilities are delegated to the board's committees described as follows in the Corporate governance report.