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An analysis of the Group's revenue is as follows:

Revenue from construction contracts491,753403,563
Other operating income (note 4)1,8524,584
Interest received (note 7)13376
Total income493,738408,223

Segmental results

Following the adoption of IFRS 8, the Group has identified its operating segments with reference to the information regularly reviewed by the executive committee (the chief operating decision maker ('CODM')) to assess performance and allocate resources. Management has identified multiple operating segments which are reported to the CODM on a regular basis, however for the purpose of presentation under IFRS 8, the individual operating segments meet the aggregation criteria that allows them to be presented as one reportable segment ('construction contracts') for the Group.

The constituent operating segments have been aggregated because the nature of the products across the business, whilst serving different market sectors, are consistent in that they relate to the design, purchase and fabrication of steel products. They have similar production processes and facilities, types of customers, methods of distribution, regulatory environments and economic characteristics. This is reinforced through the use of shared production facilities across the Group.

The divisions presented in the strategic report were created from April 2022 to provide better client service and increased organisational clarity, both internally and externally. These still meet the aggregation criteria to be presented as one reportable segment under IFRS 8.

The disclosures requirements of IFRS 8 are therefore made on the basis of one reportable segment (construction contracts).

Revenues by product group

All revenue is derived from construction contracts and related assets.

Geographical information

Following the implementation of IFRS 15, the Group presents a disaggregation of its revenue according to the primary geographical markets in which the Group operates. This disaggregation of revenue is presented for the Group's one operating segment as noted above.

Revenue by destination:
United Kingdom452,679337,520
Republic of Ireland and continental Europe39,07466,043

Contract balances

The following table provides information about the receivables, contract assets and contract liabilities from contracts with customers:

Trade and other receivables (note 18)42,838106,783
Contract assets (note 18)48,84074,898
Contract liabilities (note 17)(19,584)(17,930)

Contract assets primarily relate to the Group's right to consideration for work completed but not billed at the reporting date on construction contracts. Contract assets are transferred to receivables when the rights become unconditional. This usually occurs when the Group issues an invoice to the customer.

The contract liabilities primarily relate to the advance payments from customers for construction contracts, for which revenue is recognised over time.

The table below represents the aggregate amount of the transaction price allocated to the performance obligations that are unsatisfied (or partially satisfied) as at 25 March 2023 and have an original expected contract duration of more than one year:

Construction contracts111,2499,099

The total transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations represents the contracted revenue to be earnt by the Group for goods and services which the Group has promised to deliver to its customers, where the original contract duration is more than one year. This includes performance obligations which are partially satisfied at the year end or those which are unsatisfied but which the Group has committed to providing. The transaction price does not contain variable consideration for items such as discounts or rebates. The practical expedient available under IFRS 15 has been taken and therefore no information is provided for the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations where the original expected contract duration is one year or less.

Information about major customers

Included in Group revenue is £135,318,000 (2022: £57,619,000) relating to two (2022: one) major customers (spread over several contracts), who individually contributed more than 10 per cent of Group revenue in the year ended 25 March 2023.